How to make nested bulleted lists where content includes centered equations?

This is a know issue:

In the comments, there are a few workarounds.

Here is one:

#show math.equation.where(block: true): block.with(width: 100%)
- This is my first equation: $ a + b + c = 100 $
  - This is my second: $ d + e + f = 1 $


But I would personally put the equation on a separate line, like I would do with a regular text:

#show math.equation.where(block: true): block.with(width: 100%)
- This is my first equation:

  $ a + b + c = 100 $
  - This is my second:

    $ d + e + f = 1 $
  - First paragraph

    Second paragraph


I guess this is a better solution:

#show math.equation.where(block: true): eq => {
  block(width: 100%, inset: 0pt, align(center, eq))

Since the previous solution apparently breaks lists in automatically sized containers.