Are there equivalent to the LaTeX microtype package and the memoir document class?

Are there plans to create a microtype type package for typst? How does the current state of typst’s typography compare to LaTeX + microtype?

Is there a memoir class available for typst?

Hello and welcome @untouched_coliseum!

Looking at microtype’s features, it seems it is already available in Typst in most parts:

I don’t think control is as precise as it is in microtype, but most usecases should be satisfied with this amount of customization. I’m not even sure a package would be the right tool to modify typography at this level… In any case, don’t hesitate to go through each argument in text, it’s pretty long, but also pretty exhaustive.

As for the memoir template, I can’t say I have seen a typst template named “memoir”, but there are plenty of thesis templates.
You can look at officially affiliated templates for example here.


Hello @untouched_coliseum, I have changed your post title to
“Are there equivalent to the LaTeX microtype package and the memoir document class?”, tell me if you think that’s incorrect!

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