I have been using this template: bamdone-rebuttal – Typst Universe. I noticed that there was a change in the format of quote when I open a document created by the template today. It looks like:
Probably because quote got upgraded to a block level element. Typst tries to be smart with transparentize, but in this case the behaviour has changed from v0-11-1 to v0-12.
And to resolve the issue, until the package has been updated, you can switch back to version 0.11.1 by going to your project’s settings (pressing the cog in the sidebar on the left) and changing the Compiler version.
(Of course, this also means that you won’t get to take advantage of the new features of 0.12.)
Not much we can do here. Currently, I would not recommend using show-set rules on blocks that produce visible different output with nested blocks (because there always can be some). With breakable it’s not a problem because it doesn’t matter.
Once we have non-recursive show-set rules, things would be different.|