This works fine as long as there is a title. If there is no title, then the colon disappears, which makes sense. I this case I would want to add a line prefix: (count) => [*Definition #count:*], but this is bad, if there is a title, because then the colon is before the title.
The #h(-0.35em) is necessary, because otherwise the distance between the colon and the title would be too big. This solution seems suboptimal. Is there a better way to do this?
Unfortunately, right now there is not. That’s because the theorem structure in great-theorems fundamentally is:
prefix (will include a separator)
title (if present)
In particular there is no way to have a separator after the title. The other variant (the one you want) is
prefix (won’t include a separator)
title (if present)
I thought about this for some time when I created the package. I thought that method 1 is “better” and went for it, and I hoped no one is gonna complain that they can’t do a design like yours.
Well, now only a few days after the package was released someone complained… so I guess I will implement a way to employ your design. Here is a tracking issue:
Let me know if you have any thoughts about how the interface should be.