Hi all,
i have a question regarding the state.
Some context: I try creating an exam containing some figures the students should draw stuff in. Since some of them will mess up some sketches unreadable i want to have some figure sheet containing all “messupable” graphics. For that i have a function, that takes the graphic and its heading counter at the current context and appends it to an state array and prints the graphic itself:
#let _all_graphics = state("all_graphics", ())
#let messupable_graphic(body) = context{
let all_graphics = _all_graphics.get()
let section_number = counter(heading).get()
let state_element = (section_number, body)
[Section number: #section_number \ \ ]
[State element: #state_element \ \ ]
[State input: #all_graphics \ \ ]
Called it should look like this:
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.1"
#let question1(color) = context {
let graphic = context {
cetz.canvas(length: 1cm, {
import cetz.draw: *
rect((0, 0), (1, 1), fill: color)
=== foo. \
This state will then be used in a figure template (which is called at the end of the exam template) like this: (reducing the heading count by 1 setting a heading and printing the graphic.)
#let all_graphics = _all_graphics.final()
#for graphic in all_graphics {
let heading_counter = graphic.at(0)
if(heading_counter.len() > 1){
heading_counter.at(-1) -= 1
[=== ]
When i call it up to 3 times everything is fine and as expected. But with the fourth call the first heading counter gets wrong and with the fifth and more the first value is lost.
Is there a limit to the state that it can only hold 4 element stuff (same problem occurs when i try using a dict or make the state a list containing the actual all_graphics array as second entry, this second entry also can only hold 4 elements) or am i missing some context
Full code for a minimal running example:
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.1"
#let _all_graphics = state("all_graphics", ())
#let messupable_graphic(body) = context{
let all_graphics = _all_graphics.get()
let section_number = counter(heading).get()
let state_element = (section_number, body)
[Section number: #section_number \ \ ]
[State element: #state_element \ \ ]
[State input: #all_graphics \ \ ]
#let question1(color) = context {
let graphic = context {
cetz.canvas(length: 1cm, {
import cetz.draw: *
rect((0, 0), (1, 1), fill: color)
=== foo. \
#let figure_template(
) = context {
set heading(numbering: (..nums) => {
let nums = nums.pos()
// the zero-based level of the current heading
let level = nums.len() - 1
if level == 2 {
numbering("I.1", nums.at(nums.len() - 2), nums.last())
let all_graphics = _all_graphics.final()
for graphic in all_graphics {
let heading_counter = graphic.at(0)
if(heading_counter.len() > 1){
heading_counter.at(-1) -= 1
[=== ]
#let exam_template(body) = context {
show heading.where(level: 3): it => {
set text(luma(50), weight: 700)
[Question ] + counter(heading).display(it.numbering)
if (measure(it.body).width > 0.1cm) {
set text(luma(50), weight: 400)
[ -- ] + it.body
set heading(numbering: (..nums) => {
let nums = nums.pos()
// the zero-based level of the current heading
let level = nums.len() - 1
if level == 2 {
numbering("I.1", nums.at(nums.len() - 2), nums.last())
context figure_template()[]
#show: exam_template.with()
#context [
let current_state = _all_graphics.at(here())
[State before green: #current_state \ \ ]
let current_state = _all_graphics.at(here())
[State after green: #current_state \ \ ]
let current_state = _all_graphics.at(here())
[State after red: #current_state \ \ ]
let current_state = _all_graphics.at(here())
[State after blue: #current_state \ \ ]
let current_state = _all_graphics.at(here())
[State after gray: #current_state \ \ ]
let current_state = _all_graphics.at(here())
[State after yellow: #current_state \ \ ]
let current_state = _all_graphics.at(here())
[State after orange: #current_state \ \ ]
#line(length: 100%)