I’m trying to replicate something similiar to this chart:
At the moment, I’ve done this, but I don’t know if it’s possibile to add two cetz axes and create a line between them. Any idea? Thanks a lot!
I’m trying to replicate something similiar to this chart:
At the moment, I’ve done this, but I don’t know if it’s possibile to add two cetz axes and create a line between them. Any idea? Thanks a lot!
Currently, CeTZ doesn’t support specify position of plot
, so we can’t directly add two plots in a single canvas
But luckily, this can be done by grouping the second plot
and setting it’s origin
manually by group
and set-origin
Here is a example:
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.1"
#import "@preview/cetz-plot:0.1.0"
length: 72pt,
import cetz.draw: *
import cetz-plot: *
let common-x = 1
name: "p1",
x: 4,
y: 4,
size: (4, 2),
asix-style: "scientific",
let f(x) = {
if (x < -1.8) {
} else {
-0.2 * calc.pow(x + 1.8, 2) + 40
domain: (-3, 3),
plot.add-anchor("p", (common-x, f(common-x)))
name: "g2",
set-origin((0, -2.5))
name: "plot",
x: 4,
y: 4,
size: (4, 2),
asix-style: "scientific",
let f(x) = -(calc.pow(calc.e, 2 * x) - 1) / (calc.pow(calc.e, 2 * x) + 1)
domain: (-3, 3),
plot.add-anchor("p", (common-x, f(common-x)))
line("p1.p", "g2.plot.p", stroke: (dash: "dashed"))
Wonderful, thanks! I Will share the code of the final results later.
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.1": canvas, draw
#import "@preview/cetz-plot:0.1.0": plot
#import "@preview/unify:0.6.0": num, qty, numrange, qtyrange
#let phase-margin(
xaxis: 1e-2,
yaxis: -40,
yaxis-scale: 20,
points: ((1e-1, 40), (1, 20), (1e1, 20), (1e2, 0), (1e3, -20), (1e4, -60)),
phase-yaxis: -180,
phase-yaxis-scale: 90,
phase-points: ((1e-1, 40), (1, 20), (1e1, 20), (1e2, 0), (1e3, -20), (1e4, -60)),
critic-pulsation: 1e-2,
critic-phase: -135,
color: red,
) = {
#set text(size: 8pt)
length: 1cm,
import draw: line, scale, content, circle
draw.set-style(mark: (fill: black))
draw.set-style(axes: (tick: (length:0, offset: -0.1cm)))
draw.set-style(axes: (label: (angle:0deg, offset: 1cm)))
size: (8, 5),
name: "p1",
axis-style: "scientific",
y-tick-step: none,
x-tick-step: none,
x-max: 16,
x-min: 0,
y-min: 0,
y-max: 16,
x-label: none,
y-label: $abs(overline(G)(j omega))_"dB"$,
x-ticks: array.range(5).map(x=> (x*4,num("e" + str(calc.log(xaxis) + x).replace("−", "-")))),
y-ticks: array.range(5).map(x=> (x*4,str(yaxis + yaxis-scale * x).replace("−", "-"))),
for i in range(0, 4) {
for j in range(1, 10) {
style: (stroke: (paint: black.lighten(50%), thickness: 0.25pt)),
((i * 4 + calc.log(j) * 4, 0), (i * 4 + calc.log(j) * 4, 16)),
for i in range(0, 4) {
plot.add(style: (stroke: (paint: black.lighten(50%), thickness: 0.25pt)), domain: (0, 24), ((0, i * 4), (24, i * 4)))
for j in range(1, 5) {
style: (stroke: (paint: black.lighten(50%), thickness: 0.5pt)),
domain: (0, 24),
((0, i * 4 + j), (24, i * 4 + j)),
if (points.len() > 0) {
style: (stroke: (paint: color, thickness: 2pt)),
points.map(p => {
return ((calc.log(p.at(0) / xaxis)) * 4, ((p.at(1) - yaxis) / yaxis-scale * 4))
style: (stroke: (dash: "dashed", paint: color, thickness: 1pt)),
((0,((0 - yaxis) / yaxis-scale * 4)),((calc.log(critic-pulsation / xaxis)) * 4,((0 - yaxis) / yaxis-scale * 4)))
plot.add-anchor("p", ((calc.log(critic-pulsation / xaxis)) * 4, ((0 - yaxis) / yaxis-scale * 4)))
name: "g2",
draw.set-origin((0, -6))
size: (8, 5),
name: "plot",
axis-style: "scientific",
y-tick-step: none,
x-tick-step: none,
x-max: 16,
x-min: 0,
y-min: 0,
y-max: 16,
x-label: none,
y-label: $angle overline(G)(j omega)$,
x-ticks: array.range(5).map(x=> (x*4,num("e" + str(calc.log(xaxis) + x).replace("−", "-")))),
y-ticks: array.range(5).map(x=> (x*4,str(phase-yaxis + phase-yaxis-scale * x).replace("−", "-"))) + ((((critic-phase - phase-yaxis) / phase-yaxis-scale * 4),$bold(phi_c)$,),),
for i in range(0, 4) {
for j in range(1, 10) {
style: (stroke: (paint: black.lighten(50%), thickness: 0.25pt)),
((i * 4 + calc.log(j) * 4, 0), (i * 4 + calc.log(j) * 4, 16)),
for i in range(0, 4) {
plot.add(style: (stroke: (paint: black.lighten(50%), thickness: 0.25pt)), domain: (0, 24), ((0, i * 4), (24, i * 4)))
for j in range(1, 5) {
style: (stroke: (paint: black.lighten(50%), thickness: 0.5pt)),
domain: (0, 24),
((0, i * 4 + j), (24, i * 4 + j)),
if (points.len() > 0) {
style: (stroke: (paint: color, thickness: 2pt)),
phase-points.map(p => {
return ((calc.log(p.at(0) / xaxis)) * 4, ((p.at(1) - phase-yaxis) / phase-yaxis-scale * 4))
style: (stroke: (dash: "dashed", paint: color, thickness: 1pt)),
((0,((critic-phase - phase-yaxis) / phase-yaxis-scale * 4)),((calc.log(critic-pulsation / xaxis)) * 4,((critic-phase - phase-yaxis) / phase-yaxis-scale * 4)))
plot.add-anchor("p", ((calc.log(critic-pulsation / xaxis)) * 4, ((critic-phase - phase-yaxis) / phase-yaxis-scale * 4)))
line("p1.p", "g2.plot.p", stroke: (dash: "dashed",paint: color, thickness: 1pt),)
circle("p1.p", radius: .075cm, stroke: color, fill: color)
circle("g2.plot.p", radius: .075cm, stroke: color, fill: color)
content((rel: (0.15,0.15), to: "p1.p"),
padding: .05,
anchor: "south-west",
frame: "circle",
fill: white,
stroke: none,
#phase-margin(xaxis: 1e-3, yaxis: -40, yaxis-scale: 20, points: ((1e-3,40),(1e-2,40),(1e-1,20),(1e-0,-20),(1e1,-60)), phase-yaxis: -180,phase-yaxis-scale:45,phase-points: ((1e-3,0),(1e-2,-45),(1e-1,-135),(1e-0,-180),(1e1,-180)), critic-pulsation: 3e-1, critic-phase: -157.5, color: rgb("#275caa"))