How can I make '#set block' work for custom blocks only (not for e.g. headings, figures)?

When I use #set block(...) to style custom blocks (#block([...])), it also affects headings and probably some other elements. How to make #set block(...) work for custom blocks only?

#set block(fill: luma(230), inset: 1em, radius: 0.5em, width: 100%)

= Lorem ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Let me first share a couple of tips for the given example:

#set block(fill: luma(230), inset: 1em, radius: 0.5em, width: 100%)

= #lorem(2)




You can use lorem function to make your dummy document code smaller without changing the output. You also don’t have to wrap [] in () when calling some function/element constructor. It’s enough to just use [] instead of (). block() will call the block element constructor without any parameters/arguments, but block[] will pass 1 argument of type content. This can work with all functions that expect at least 1 positional argument. You can also combine both like #text(red)[red text]. Also, a small tip: if you see function1[#something], this means you can simply do function1(something) (i.e., #block(lorem(5))), which is slightly simpler.

Now, the problem with using a global #set block() rule is that most elements in Typst are block-level, which means they internally use block element, and therefore using a global set rule for block will affect many elements. If you need to change block parameters for specific elements, you can use a show-set rule, e.g., #show figure: set block().

Since it looks like you just want to set block parameter for direct block calls, you have 2 general options:

// Option 1
  #set block(fill: luma(230), inset: 1em, radius: 0.5em, width: 100%)

// Option 2
#block(fill: luma(230), inset: 1em, radius: 0.5em, width: 100%)[


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A few other options that might be nicer to use, besides what @Andrew already mentioned:

  • Redefine block (this will then mean, you need some way to access the original block type):
#let std-block = block
#let block = block.with(fill: luma(230), inset: 1em, radius: 0.5em, width: 100%)
  • Use rect instead of block with the exact same arguments.
  • Define a general function instead which doesn’t overwrite block by just calling it #gray-block, for example.

Speaking of std-block, in the upcoming version there is #std.block (or something similar, I’m not sure).

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You mean this, correct?

#let gray-block = block.with(fill: luma(230), inset: 1em, radius: 0.5em, width: 100%)

= Lorem ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

To illustrate what you have said, so that it will be even more easier to understand for other novice users like me:

// all the three versions works the same

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
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Typst 0.12 has been released, but it seems std.block doesn’t solve the issue, right?

#set std.block(fill: luma(230), inset: 1em, radius: 0.5em, width: 100%)

= Lorem ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

That doesn’t work because std.block and block refer to the same thing. If you look back at the proposed solution:

Here you end up with two separate functions std-block and block. This could now be rewritten as

#let block = std.block.with(fill: luma(230), inset: 1em, radius: 0.5em, width: 100%)

Now block and std.block are still different things (as long as block is in scope – i.e. usually in the same file or function) and it will “work”, at least as a workaround to the fundamental issues that Andrew mentioned.

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