I’m trying to centre all cells in a table except the ones in the header (first row) and the last column.
When I try the following code, the typst
CLI compiler prints out for the second line, error: expected alignment or auto, found none
#let ktable(..cells) = {
set table(align: (x, y) => {
if x in (0, 1, 2) and y > 0 {
// Align vertically and horizontally
center + horizon
show table.cell: c => {
if c.y > 0 and c.x == 0 {
return text(22pt, c)
stroke: (x: none, y: color.rgb("#DEDEDE")),
columns: (50pt, 50pt, auto, auto),
inset: 8pt,
table.hline(stroke: black),
table.cell(align: center)[*Char.*],
table.cell(align: center)[*Keyword*],
table.cell(align: center)[*Index*],
table.cell(align: center)[*Story*],
table.hline(stroke: black),
table.hline(stroke: black),
[吾], [I], [11],
[明], [bright], [20],
[唱], [chant], [21],