How can I show code listings from codly in "Code snippets" outline?

Hey there,

is there any possibility to show Code snippets in a outline. I have some code snippet like this:

    fn main() {
        println!("Hello World");
    caption: [Hello World in Rust]

In the outline I tried to work with the target: figure.where(kind: ...) thingy, but did not find the right kind.

I would be really thankful for some suggestions on this topic.


If you are aiming to specifically select your listings, you should assign a custom kind to your figures.
A POC would be

#show outline.entry: it => {
  align(center, rect(stroke: stroke(dash: "dotted"), it.element))

#outline(target: figure.where(kind: raw))

#let f = figure(
    fn main() {
        println!("Hello World");
    caption: [Hello World in Rust],

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The kind associated to code listings is raw. You don’t need to set it explicitly on the figures, but for a custom outline, the target would then be figure.where(kind: raw).


Sometimes I forget how straightforward things are in Typst :sweat_smile:

Thank you both for your blazingly fast reply. Every time I am more amazed by how straightforward typst is.