How can I tell Typst not to display warnings about packages including deprecated items?

Since updating to Typst 0.12 I have got a lot of warnings in my documents because of various changes meaning #context seems to be needed in lots of places.

I can work my way through these changes and I’m sure there are good reasons for all the changes, but I also use packages which haven’t yet been updated and I would prefer not to have more than a screenful of warnings that I cannot do anything about. Basically it just trains me to ignore the output of the typst watch process, which means I then can miss crucial warnings/errors.

Is there a way to flag to Typst, either at the command line level or in the document, that “yes, I know there is some issue here, but stop telling me about it please”?

As an example of what I mean, the following minimal document generates more than a screenful of warnings.

#import "@preview/fletcher:0.5.1" as fletcher: diagram, node, edge, shapes

  spacing: (30mm, 14mm),
  node((0,1), [$i_1$], name: <i1>), 
  node((1,1), [$a_0$], name: <a0>), 
  node((2,1), [], stroke: none, name: <output>),
  edge(<i1>, <a0>, [1], "-|>",  label-anchor: "south"),
  edge(<a0>, <output>, "-|>")

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Unfortunately there is no warning suppression yet in the CLI, only in the web app. It is planned however with a general #warn system.