There is no nice way to mix multiple underbrace
s together, so you will have to get creative with stack
or grid
. Here is one such PoC (for matrices with the same width each side, edit: see below for a more complete approach):
#let under-mat(matrix, left, right) = context {
let width = measure(matrix).width / 2 - 10pt
let lspace = math.underbrace(h(width), left)
let rspace = math.underbrace(h(width), right)
spacing: -0.75em,
grid(columns: 2, lspace, rspace)
$ mat(augment: #3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0; 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0; 5, 4, 6, 0, 0, 0) $,
$ A $, $ I $
EDIT: This will modify the baseline of the matrix which might look odd next to matrices without an underbrace or with an overbrace. You can manually adjust it with #move()
. I have also made an over-mat
-function just for completeness now with automatic measuring even for matrices where one side is visually bigger.
Code and Result
#import "@preview/xarrow:0.3.1": xarrow
#let under-mat(matrix, left, right) = context {
let augment-row = math.mat(matrix.body.rows.first().slice(0, matrix.body.augment))
let aug-width = measure(augment-row).width
let rest-width = measure(matrix).width - aug-width - 15pt
let lspace = math.underbrace(h(aug-width), left)
let rspace = math.underbrace(h(rest-width), right)
spacing: -0.75em,
grid(columns: 2, lspace, rspace)
#let over-mat(matrix, left, right) = context {
let augment-row = math.mat(matrix.body.rows.first().slice(0, matrix.body.augment))
let aug-width = measure(augment-row).width
let rest-width = measure(matrix).width - aug-width - 15pt
let lspace = math.overbrace(h(aug-width), left)
let rspace = math.overbrace(h(rest-width), right)
grid(columns: 2, lspace, rspace),
$ mat(augment: #3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0; 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0; 5, 4, 6, 0, 0, 0) $,
$ A $, $ I $
xarrow("Gauss", opposite: "Jordan")
#move(dy: -0.75em,
$ mat(
augment: #3, 1, 0, 0, 4 slash 7, 2, -3 slash 7;
0, 1, 0, 1 slash 7, -1, 1 slash 7;
0, 0, 1, -4 slash 7, -1, 3 slash 7) $,
$ I $, $ A^(-1) $