// Define the vimg function to create image rectangles with text
#let vimg(body) = {
rect(width: 50mm, height: 30mm)[
// Example logos array for testing
#let Example_logos = ("Example 1", "Example 2", "Example 3", "Example 4")
// Example 1: Manual Approach (Works as Expected)
columns: 2, // Enforce a two-column layout
gutter: 20mm, // Space between columns
// Manually adding each logo, assuming we have four logos for example
vimg("Example 1"),
vimg("Example 2"),
vimg("Example 3"),
vimg("Example 4")
// Example 2: For Loop Approach (Problem Case)
columns: 2, // Enforce a two-column layout
gutter: 20mm, // Space between columns
// Using a `for` loop to add each logo dynamically
if Example_logos != none {
for logo in Example_logos {
By using a for loop for inserting the images, you end up creating just a single grid cell that contains a sequence of all images. What you need to use, is the spreading of arguments via the .. operator, which is then easiest done not with a for loop, but by mapping the Example_logos array to an array of image elements. Assuming that Example_logos is not none, you can then write this as
If you still prefer a for loop, you need to make sure that an array is built from it, and not a single piece of content containing all the images. As the results of each loop iteration are in the end joined together, you need to make sure that each iteration yields an array with the image as its single entry:
columns: 2,
gutter: 20mm,
..for logo in Example_logos {
If you cannot always assume that Example_logos isn’t none, you can put the if statement after the .., so that whatever is inside that statement is spread into the arguments of the grid:
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