How to change the style for `flat-brace` in CeTZ?

As the title says, I could not figure out a way to make the flat-brace thinner in CeTZ. I am using the latest version of cetz and cetz-plot.

  length: 3em,
    cetz.draw.set-style(axes: (label: (offset: 1em)))
    cetz.draw.grid((0, 0), (5, 4), step: 0.5, stroke: silver + 0.125pt)
      name: "plot",
      size: (5, 4),
      axis-style: "scientific-auto",
      x-tick-step: none,
      y-tick-step: none,
      x-min: 0,
      x-max: 10,
      y-min: 0,
      y-max: 8,
      x-label: text(8pt, $Q$),
      y-label: text(8pt, $P$),
        cetz-plot.plot.add(label: $D$, ((1, 7), (9, 1)))
        cetz-plot.plot.add(label: $S$, ((1, 1), (9, 7)))
        cetz-plot.plot.add(((3, 0), (3, 5.5)), style: (stroke: (paint: black, thickness: 0.5pt, dash: "dashed")))
        cetz-plot.plot.add(((7, 0), (7, 5.5)), style: (stroke: (paint: black, thickness: 0.5pt, dash: "dashed")))
        cetz-plot.plot.add(((0, 5.5), (7, 5.5)), style: (stroke: (paint: black, thickness: 0.5pt, dash: "dashed")))
        cetz-plot.plot.add-anchor("A", (3, 5.5))
        cetz-plot.plot.add-anchor("B", (7, 5.5))
        cetz-plot.plot.add-anchor("Q_S", (7, 0))
        cetz-plot.plot.add-anchor("Q_D", (3, 0))
        cetz-plot.plot.add-anchor("P_(gt E)", (0, 5.5))
    )"plot.A", radius: 1.5pt, stroke: 0.5pt + black)"plot.B", radius: 1.5pt, stroke: 0.5pt + black)
    cetz.draw.content("plot.A", text(8pt, $A$), anchor: "north-east", padding: 0.125em)
    cetz.draw.content("plot.B", text(8pt, $B$), anchor: "north-west", padding: 0.125em)
    cetz.draw.content("plot.Q_S", text(8pt, $Q_S$), anchor: "north", padding: 1pt)
    cetz.draw.content("plot.Q_D", text(8pt, $Q_D$), anchor: "north", padding: 1pt)
    cetz.draw.content("plot.P_(gt E)", text(8pt, $P_(gt E)$), anchor: "east", padding: 0.5pt)
    // ***
    cetz.decorations.flat-brace("plot.A", "plot.B", name: "excess_supply")
    // ***
      text(12pt, box(fill: white, "excess supply")),
      anchor: "south",
      padding: 0.5em,

Hello @CarrotDLaw!
thanks for the MWE, make sure to also give the package versions next time! Otherwise, we won’t know if we test on the same version. I assume cezt:0.3.1 and cetz-plot:0.1.0.

The available styling options for flat-brace do not include the weight of the line. You may want to open an issue at Issues · cetz-package/cetz · GitHub.

See the docs here.