From Ability to select how a bibliography is sorted · Issue #3913 · typst/typst · GitHub, No alphabetic sorting of bibliography in author-date style · Issue #5914 · typst/typst · GitHub, and Bibliography customization from within Typst · Issue #942 · typst/typst · GitHub, my understanding is that typst does not yet support the ability to select a Bibliography/citation style (in my case alphanumeric for both) while altering the sorting from the default first-appearance method.
I eagerly wait for the day when this does get implemented, but I am lost when trying to figure out if there is a way to hack together a way of getting the sorting right. I have heard about creating something like a hidden module to insert citations without them appearing, but details weren’t given and I couldn’t follow on how to do that.
Thus, is there a way for now to hack together an author-date sorting to the bibliography?