I have found in the Touying theme the following function:
/// New section slide for the presentation. You can update it by updating the `new-section-slide-fn` argument for `config-common` function.
/// Example: `config-common(new-section-slide-fn: new-section-slide.with(numbered: false))`
/// - config (dictionary): The configuration of the slide. You can use `config-xxx` to set the configuration of the slide. For several configurations, you can use `utils.merge-dicts` to merge them.
/// - level (int): The level of the heading.
/// - numbered (boolean): Indicates whether the heading is numbered.
/// - body (auto): The body of the section. It will be passed by touying automatically.
#let new-section-slide(config: (:), level: 1, numbered: true, body) = touying-slide-wrapper(self => {
let slide-body = {
set std.align(horizon)
show: pad.with(20%)
set text(size: 1.5em)
dir: ttb,
spacing: 1em,
text(self.colors.neutral-darkest, utils.display-current-heading(level: level, numbered: numbered)),
height: 2pt,
width: 100%,
spacing: 0pt,
components.progress-bar(height: 2pt, self.colors.primary, self.colors.primary-light),
text(self.colors.neutral-dark, body)
self = utils.merge-dicts(
config-page(fill: self.colors.neutral-lightest),
touying-slide(self: self, config: config, slide-body)
Can I from my main document overload it to disable it? I do not wish to have this.
Kind regards