In Latex I heavily used note: {...}
to create bib entries that comply with my supervisor’s specifications.
Here a couple of examples:
author = "International Organization for Standardization (ISO)",
title = "ISO/IEC 27000:2018: Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems - Overview and vocabulary",
publisher = "International Organization for Standardization (ISO)",
year = "2018",
note = "ICS: 01.040.35; 35.030"
author = "Edward Humphreys",
title = "The Future Landscape of ISMS Standards",
journal = "Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD",
year = "2018",
note = "Bd. 42, DOI: 10.1007/s11623-018-0971-8"
author = "Edward Humphreys",
title = "Implementing the ISO/IEC 27001 ISMS Standard",
publisher = "Artech House",
year = "2016",
note = "ISBN: 978-1-60807-930-8"
author = "Bundesrepublik Deutschland",
title = "Gesetz über das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI-Gesetz - BSIG)",
publisher = "Bundesanzeiger Verlag",
year = "2009",
note = "Stand: 23.06.2021"
author = "Sebastian Arning and Benedikt Küttel",
title = "Leitfaden für die Planung, Durchführung und Auswertung einer standardisierten Befragung",
publisher = "Landkreis Uelzen",
year = "2017",
note = {[Online]. Verfügbar: \url{}. Zugriff: 15.08.2024}
Unfortunately those notes aren’t shown in the bibliography (IEEE citation style if that matters). How can I include them?
September 28, 2024, 11:58am
I don’t know how exactly bibliography libraries talk to each other in Typst, but I think the reason is that note
(and some other) field is currently ignored:
opened 07:08PM - 17 Apr 24 UTC
### Description
I'm trying to use a custom CSL file to display a bibliography… in Typst. However, it seems the `note` variable in CSL is not correctly populated with the `note` field of a Biblatex entry.
A reproduction URL has been shared to demonstrate a MWE that exhibits this issue. The `main.typ` simply creates a bibliography with the `mwp.bib` Biblatex file and `ieee.cls` CSL file. The Biblatex file contains just one entry with a `note` field (and other dummy entries). The IEEE CSL file is sourced from [here](, and contains a commented modification on lines 359 and 360, demonstrating that the `title` variable is displayed, but the `note` variable isn't.
Edit: updated the project link
### Reproduction URL
### Operating system
Web app
### Typst version
- [X] I am using the latest version of Typst
opened 07:33PM - 01 Jul 24 UTC
Input `t.bib`:
note = {This is a test!}
Expect… ed output:
type: book
note: "This is a test!"
Real output:
type: book
I've notices that when converting a BibTeX file into a Hayagriva file, the `note` field is omitted. (I ran the command `hayagriva t.bib` using Hayagriva v0.5.3. This bug is also carried into Typst: CSL styles which use the `note` field cannot use it when the user is working with a BibTeX file directly.)
opened 10:26AM - 16 May 24 UTC
## [Repro](
kazda-moo… re:
type: manuscript
title: The Minion Homomorphism Lattice
- "Kazda, Alexandr"
- "Moore, Matthew"
date: 2019
note: "unpublished draft"
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 1em)
See @kazda-moore.
#cite(<kazda-moore>, form: "full")

## expected
To have the `note` show up
## Remarks
This is related to #91, but seems orthogonal, because in that issue the problem was that the `bibtex` note field did not even make it to the hayagriva representation. Here, i'm giving it directly via `yml`, and it still does not show up.
A workaround is to use another field until the needed is supported.
1 Like
September 28, 2024, 12:31pm
I want to mention that in some of your example cases, you don’t necessarily need the note
field at all, as other more specific fields exist:
Volume and DOI keys:
note = "Bd. 42, DOI: 10.1007/s11623-018-0971-8"
-> volume = "42", doi = "10.1007/s11623-018-0971-8"
ISBN key (unfortunately not used in the default IEEE citation style)
note = "ISBN: 978-1-60807-930-8"
-> isbn = "978-1-60807-930-8"
URL and access date keys:
note = {[Online]. Verfügbar: \url{...}. Zugriff: 15.08.2024}
-> url = "https://...", urldate = "2024-08-15"
Of course, this doesn’t handle all your cases, but it’s at least something.
Also, the default citation style (IEEE) doesn’t handle notes and annotations at all, so you would need to either chose a different style that does, or edit the CSL file manually to add support for those fields.