How to insert quotation marks in math mode?

Hello everyone,

I tried inserting (printed) quotation marks but couldn’t find a satisfying solution.
"\"test\"" “works” but doesn’t respect the document’s locale. E.g. in German the first pair is positioned at the bottom of the line.
Has anyone faced the same issue or has even found a solution?

Thank you

Hello @twihno,

it would help to understand your question if you provide an example of what works/doesn’t work.

In math mode, you can go back to code by using #. It’s tricky to use " in math mode, so here are a few examples to help you know what’s possible.

#set text(lang: "de")

"This is a quote".

#quote($a + h$) // quote equation

$#["a + b"]$ // doesn't work

$#"a + b"$ // string variable (no quotes)

$#quote[a + b]$ // quote content in math

$#quote($a + b$)$ // quote math in math
