I would like to compile a big document (about 200 pages). The web app crashed when I tried. How can I install the Typst 0.12-rc1 version locally to compile my document in vs-code ?
I tried cargo install --version 0.12.0-rc1 --git https://github.com/typst/typst --locked typst-cli, but error was returned: error: could not find typst-cli in https://github.com/typst/typst with version =0.12.0-rc1
As a final note on why your command didn’t work, Typst release candidates and patch versions are often on extra branches, not on main. cargo install --git ... assumes you’re installing from main unless specified otherwise.
You can install the release candidate by passing the correct commit to install from by using either --rev ..., --branch ... or --tag ...:
I don’t know if I understood correctly, this works for me.
Just type in the terminal typst update "0.12.0-rc1" and optional use --force parameter if it’snt work