How to make custom selectors?

Is it possible to make a reusable show query that would achieve the same thing as this?

show metadata: metadata => {
  if {
    // some function that return a boolean
    not is-metadata-with-id(metadata)
  } or {
    // another arbitrary boolean function != tag("xlink")
  } {
    // skip
    return metadata
  // start actual show rule

Truly custom selectors (I think that’s the word you’re looking for, maybe edit it in the title) are not supported, but you can probably use the technique shown here: How can I create show rules in a loop? - #2 by SillyFreak

In that post’s example, you first go from

#show "foo": strong
#show "baz": strong


#show: body => {
  show "foo": strong
  show "baz": strong


The benefit is that now you don’t need to handle show rules as values, but a function, and Typst is functional and can thus do that.

You would want to go from

#show metadata: metadata => ...


#show: metadata-with-id("xlink", metadata => ...)

I’ll leave writing metadata-with-id for you, but I can also help if you need it.