How to register a new Typst template?

I would like to register my first Typst template (GitHub - roland-KA/basic-report-typst-template: A Typst-template for simple reports). But I don’t understand the process.

In typst/packages it says: “simply make a pull request with the package to this repository.” … but it doesn’t seem to be that simple.

I’ve already create a fork of typst/packages. In a “classic” PR scenario I would work within that fork and then make a PR from there. But here I rather want to “add” something to the packages repo.

Do I have to add my template manually to the packages-fork preview-folder or is there some GitHub-actions magic which helps with that process?

Hello @Roland_Schatzle and welcome!
you can take a look at


In your scenario, you should simply create a new folder with the name of your template, and add it to packages/preview/[name]/[version] on your fork. You should commit the changes, and then GitHub should suggest to create a new PR. If that’s not the case, you can create a new PR yourself at Compare · typst/packages · GitHub

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Thanks a lot, that helps!

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