I am sure it should be simple enough but the best I have is:
#set heading(numbering: "1.1")
#show outline.entry.where(
level: 1
): it => {
v(12pt, weak: true)
#outline(indent: auto)
= Introduction
= Background
== History
== State of the Art
= Analysis
== Setup
=== Testing
==== How four looks
So I am missing the horizontal line below contents, same font size and colouring etc… the examples on the web are not helping me right now, hope someone here might know
note that the repeat function doesn’t align the dots below each other. If you want that, I recommend outrageous which does support that out of the box. That package is very useful in general to replicate LaTeX-style outlines.
(PS: I added outline to your post. If the outlines you’re trying to remake are LaTeX ones, consider adding latex-migration as well)
Any derived work if I understand correctly must be disclosed in its full source - I am surprised if one can find it in @preview unless I have a major misunderstanding.
Regarding GPL – disclaimer, I’m not a lawyer – there was some discussion on Discord beginning here, in the course of which I also found the following SE post:
Regarding which I wrote
The accepted answer is of the opinion that a PDF file is considered “object code” that resulted from compiling LaTeX Typst source code, and if some of that source code is GPL, that means the whole derived work needs to be GPL licensed. Many other users agree, but the discussion under the accepted answer also has doubts that this is the correct interpretation: another interpretation is that the “compilation” is actually interpreting the source files, and the PDF is the output of the interpreted code, not a translated form of the compiled code.
I think it’s fair to say that the open source SE community (and the FSF, whose opinion is referenced by the answer) probably has a bias towards the former interpretation; I personally agree more with the latter camp (even though user PhillipPirrip is not convincing to me, Max Xiong makes a good case for that interpretation - no pun intended).
* The two discrepancies are that the post is about LaTeX, and that the code in question is a template that iiuc includes a tex file that would be changed directly; it’s not only about using a library.
The repeat function has in fact gained this capability in v0.12, as you can now set a gap between the repeated elements, and whether to justify them (i.e. whether the gap can be increased to completely fill the available width). If you combine this with a right-align, and a constant width of all page numbers (which is still a bit annoying to achieve), this should make the dot alignment possible.
The API and behavior should be the exact same as in the outex code piece you linked.