How to scale a symbol?

I want to rewrite a LaTeX document in Typst. The LaTeX-document uses the \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\filledsquare$} command to replace the first level list markers with the filled black square, which looks like this:

I try to do the same in Typst with #set list(marker: (sym.square.filled.tiny, [‣], [--])), but this leads to

As you can see, the marker is bigger and looks unappealing. So I need to shrink it somehow, but tiny is already the smallest scale I could find. How can I scale a symbol?

Symbols scale with text size, you you could e.g. use

#set list(marker: (text(0.8em, sym.square.filled.tiny), [‣], [--]))

As a note, sometimes a symbol may be too small for your taste, but increasing its size affects line height against your wishes. In such cases, I have in the past put symbols in a box with fixed height:

#box(height: 0.65em, text(1.1em, sym.ballot))

The 0.65em here is not based on any specific principle but on trial and error; it matches the default par.leading, although I did not care to verify if that means anything. If the baseline is off after doing this, you can use move to further adjust.

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This worked, thank you! :)