Of course, math-footnote is not using mfc so that’s where the question enters. I could update the footnote counter using the value of the mfc counter, then rollback the footnote counter to its previous value and finally advance the mfc counter. But is there a way to just replace the footnote counter inside the content block?
I think you have to use a custom counter here. You don’t have to rollback the regular footnote counter though. Instead you can just subtract the current value of the custom counter in the numbering for regular footnotes.
If you use a show rule to change the footnote numbering in math.equation() blocks, you can even use the regular footnote function everywhere.
I created a small example using the code below here.
#set footnote(numbering: n => context { n - mfc.get().at(0) })
#show math.equation: it => {
set footnote(numbering: n => context { str(sym.dagger) * (mfc.get().at(0) + 1) })
show footnote: it => {
That’s an ingenious workaround, thanks! Nevertheless I think the question about overriding the default counter used for an element (footnotes in my example) is interesting per se and would allow for an even more elegant solution, as it feels a bit hackish that the default counter is still incremented so that alternative counters have to be subtracted from it and explicitly incremented.