How to set exponent baseline for a specific character?

I have a document with muliple occurences of $x^2^p$. I find that as is, the equation looks ambiguous and could be interpreted as $x^(2p)$. So, to avoid ambiguity, I would like to raise the exponent by a few pixels.

I came up with this solution:

#show math.equation: it => {
  show "p": i => text(baseline: -2pt)[p]

This solution fixes my problem, but introduces a new one, that is that every p (even those not in the exponent) are now awkwardly shifted up.

Does anyone have suggestions for how to fix this? TIA!

Edit: Also, I realise I could make a special “raised” glyph and use that instead of p. This would work, but I am trying to avoid re-writing large parts of the document.

Alternatively, I wouldn’t bother trying to shift up and down the attachments. I think it would be more straightforward, and clearer to the reader if you just write



That is not what I am trying to achieve. Recall that

$x^2^p = x^(2^p) != (x^2)^p = x^(2p)$

I understand that, I am suggesting an alternative solution that does not require complicated scripting for the maths. You can simply remove the ambiguity by writing either (x^2)^p or x^(2^p)

Unfortunately, this fix still does not work for me.

Not only does


Render exactly the same as


But adding more parentheses


Still runs into the same ambiguity, just with more parentheses. Maybe it’s an issue with the fonts I am using, but I find that it is ambiguous even with the default font.

Ah indeed, testing with x^((2^p)) (need to add more parenthesis because of ^(...)'s syntax, the difference isn’t so clear


How about this?

$x^(2#super(baseline: -1em, $p$))$


Thanks. It works, but is a bit annoying to use. If no-one comes up with an automated way of achieving this, i’ll use your technique.

It’s perfectly possible to automate it to a certain extent, you just need to write a show rule like you did in your first try. The most difficult part is getting rid of edge cases, because you don’t want to replace all p, just 2^p probably. I would just suggest using a variable

#let 2p = $2#super(baseline: -1em, $p$)$
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Another option is to create a function. This is not as convenient as a show rule when writing the document, but has the benefit of only ever affecting things that it should (no false triggering of the show rule)

#let eexp(v) = {
  let (low, mid, high) = v.split("^")
  return $#low^(#mid#super(baseline: -1em, $#high$))$




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