How to set the delim of a single matrix to none?

I want to change the delim of a matrix to none.
Of course, this works:

#set math.mat(delim: none)
$mat(1, 2)$

I only want to change this matrix, instead of all matrices below, so I want to use code like this

$mat(1, 2, delim: none)$

But this leads to an error.

In addition, code like

$mat(1, 2, delim: "[")$

does not lead to any error.

I am not familiar with programming, did I do something wrong?

You need to prefix none with a hashtag (switch to code mode), since you are in math mode. For example,

$mat(1, 2, delim: #none)$

Hi @Asta,
inside math mode (marked by $..$), function calls work a bit different see Math - Function Calls. Your third example works because strings are a special case. In your non working second example $mat(1, 2, delim: none)$ the none gets interpreted as an variable thus the error. You have to explicitly enter code mode with #none so that Typst can correctly interpreted it.