How to superscript text inside a table

Hi, I’m new here and I’ve been using typst for less than 3 hours.

I would like to have some superscript text in a table cell like.

I’ve tried so far these things and I’m running out of options.

  columns: (auto, auto),
  inset: 10pt,
  align: horizon,
    [Attempt], [NAME]
  "Attempt1", "B#super[act]",

  "Attempt2", "B^act",
  "Attempt3", "B^(act)"

Hi! Anything inside quotes ("") is literal text, a string, so you cannot call functions inside that. In order to do that, you need to use content via the square brackets ([]) as you did for the header. Content allows you to input text, function calls and other markup options like bold or cursive.

  columns: 2,
  inset: 10pt,
  align: horizon,
    [Attempt], [NAME]
  "Attempt1", [B#super[act]],
  "Attempt2", [B#sub[act]]


Great! Thanks a lot for your prompt reply! All is clear now.
Thank you for having such a nice community and providing such an incredible tool for document writing.