Introduction and hello

Hello everyone,

I’m thrilled to join this new discourse forum dedicated to Typst! As a long-time user of LaTeX, I’ve recently made the switch to Typst for writing engineering documents and reports, and I couldn’t be happier. In fact, I’ve gone ahead and migrated all my existing templates from LaTeX over to Typst – that’s how impressed I am with this new platform!

It’s the clean, intuitive interface, powerful formatting options, and excellent rendering speeds that I like – all of which have made my transition from LaTeX an absolute breeze.

I’m looking forward to exploring this forum and connecting with fellow Typst users. I hope we can share tips, ask questions, and collaborate on projects together. After all, that’s what makes online communities like these so valuable!

A big thank-you to the Typst team for opening this discourse forum. It’s wonderful to see your commitment to building an active, engaged community around your fantastic software.

Let’s make the most of this space and help each other get even more out of Typst! :rocket::page_facing_up:


Hello from another victim of latex!


As a long-time LaTeX user myself, I feel the same. While I love LaTeX, Typst brings fresh air which is much needed, and it is a joy to use and program in.

So this is the Typst version of the ‘rewrite it in Rust’ meme I guess… Everything here is oxidising.


/s careful, fervent (La)TeX users will accuse us of being a religious organization sooner or later!

More seriously, welcome @Glenn! I have to say I share your enthusiasm for Typst, as I have like you did, transitioned to Typst.

I already belong to the “Church of Emacs”, so would that make me a sub-cultist to Typst? :smiley:

Both religions share core elements, such as the sacred phrase ‘it’s pronounced [IPA symbols]¹’ when you introduce your cult religion to the uninitiated, and the meticulous care for capitalisation.

The term is ‘converted’… :pray:

¹ /ˈtaɪpst/ and /ˈlɑːtɛx/.

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A post was split to a new topic: Are there any best practices for how to do Typst in Emacs?

A separate topic for this indeed sounds more reasonable.

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I am also using typst it is very useful for me.


Hello everyone.
I’m sorry I don’t speak English.
Typst is very good.
I have made a small typst manual pdf in Spanish.
Can I upload it here in case it can help more people who are starting now?

hi @tgoni, I have moved this message to our “hello” thread ;)

I think it’s a good idea and definitely within the forum rules as I understand them. Maybe as a topic in Showcase (especially if the PDF itself is made with Typst)?

OK thanks.
Yes, the pdf is written in typst


I’m from northern Germany, discovered Typst via Mastodon where someone creates a character sheet for role-playing with Typst.

I’m also into role-playing games and currently converting a DTP-based rules translation in order to get my feet wet with Typst.

I’m impressed so far, way to go.

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