I have a math equation that contains a fraction with uneven height in the numerator and denominator:
$forall F in cal(F), y_(t+1)(F) = y_(t)(F)(1+ eta |chi_t (F)|)$ where $eta = (sqrt(ln(m)))/(n sqrt((ln(m n log(n) / 4)))log(m)log(n))$
This results in a line where the fraction floats above the line:
Is it possible to align the fraction part with the rest of the line as would happen in latex:
$\forall F \in \mathcal{F}, y_{t+1}(F) = y_{t}(F)(1+ \eta |\chi_t (F)|)$ where $\eta = \frac{\sqrt{\ln(m)}}{n \sqrt{\ln(m n \frac{\log(n)}{4})}\log(m)\log(n)}$
would produce: