Is it possible to insert `content` at any position using `scope: "parent" `with `columns: 2`?

Hi, After reading, I wonder if it is possible to insert content at any position using scope: "parent" with
typ #set page(columns: 2)?
Take a look at Figure or Place which have Parameter scope, I would like to place them anywhere.

#set page(columns: 2, height: 400pt)

1. #lorem(20)
+ #lorem(20)


3. #lorem(20)
+ #lorem(20)

#place(bottom + center, scope: "parent", float: true)[#rect(fill: blue, width: 100%)]

As shown below, I would like the content I insert to automatically span over all columns, namely scope: "parent" at the beginning. Once the insertion is complete, the two-column layout should then continue as usual.

┌────────────┐   ┌────────────╥────────────┐
│ 1xxx  3xxx │   │            ║ 1xxx  3xxx │
│ 2xxx       │   │            ║ 2xxx  4xxx │
│ ` Figure`  │   │            ║ ` Place`   │
│ 4xxx       │   │            ║ 5xx        │
│ 5xxx       │   │            ║ 6xxx       │
│            │   │            ║            │
└────────────┘   └────────────╨────────────┘

However, it seems that the placement can only be either top or bottom.
And as a fallback option, I could consider:

#set page(height: 400pt)
  1. #lorem(20)
  + #lorem(20)
  3. #lorem(20)
  + #lorem(20)
#rect(fill: blue, width: 100%)

Obviously, writing it this way each time is cumbersome, especially when your main content is in a two-column layout.