Is it possible to make "private" packages for personnal use?

Hello everyone,

For a personal project i developed a template for a student songbook. Since the template is not really useful for the Typst community, i wondered if there was a way to transform it in a package that i can host on my personal GitHub repo and call in the web app ?

I can understand that this kind of thing isn’t possible because it’s not aligned with the idea of community, but I imagine that implementation can’t be that difficult either.

Thanks in advance for you help.

EDIT : duplicate from this post :

Would this help:

Thank you for your reply,

I’m not sure how this method allows me to have a “private” package
From what I understand, once the package has been developed and pushed to the repo, it’s accessible to everyone, and what’s more, it can’t be withdrawn without good reason. This creates a few problems for me:

  • Relevance of the project: the project is designed for a specific context and will not benefit many people in the community.
  • Development maturity: I’m fairly new to typst and can’t guarantee sufficient code quality to submit code that could be “widely” used. Because of these new skills, I haven’t yet fully acquired and followed the guidelines.
  • Nature of the project: The template I’ve developed is basically intended to be used in a context where only a few relevant people are involved and will probably necessitate a lot of refactoring due to the teamwork. I don’t think the packages repo is intended for always evolving projects since it might break users’ code (if we theorize that other user will use the package) .

Maybe I’ve misunderstood the article, but in any case I think that having access to an example or a demonstration that importing packages from a private repo is possible would be very useful.

EDIT 1 : It don’t really understand the idea of local system packages vs global community packages

EDIT 2 : Found the definition here : Local Package

You can have private packages as long as you distribute them outside of Typst Universe (typst/packages). It has the unfortunate constraint of finding a distribution channel, either through a private git, or something else.

So yes, it is definitely possible to make a package “private”, in the sense that the code is only accessible to you, and those you share it with.