Is it possible to #show ∂ₜ as ∂_t in math?

Is it possible to #show ∂ₜ as ∂_t, and a ₜ as a_t in math?

In the following matrix, I want to input as the second column, and display as the first column.

$ mat(diff_t, ∂ₜ; a_t, a ₜ) $
#repr[$ mat(diff_t, ∂ₜ; a_t, a ₜ) $]

  block: true,
  body: mat(
  rows: (
        attach(base: [∂], b: [t]),
        sequence([∂], [ₜ]),
        attach(base: [a], b: [t]),
        sequence([a], [ ], [ₜ]),

I have tried some possibilities, but I have no idea how to turn into an argument of the attach function.

Any explanation or help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

The super-suboptimal package seems to do what you want:

#import "@preview/super-suboptimal:0.1.0": super-subscripts
#show: super-subscripts

$ mat(diff_t, ∂ₜ; a_t, a ₜ) $

Output of example code

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Thank you! I underestimated how prosperous the community is.