I have the following:
#let _shadecolor = "#eee"
#let _boxborder = 1pt
#let _gridlines = 0.1pt
#let _insetvalue = 4pt
#grid(columns:(1fr,), stroke:_boxborder,
grid(columns:(1fr), stroke:none,
grid(columns: (1fr), fill: rgb(_shadecolor),stroke: _gridlines,inset:3pt,align:(center),
grid(columns:(3fr,5fr,2fr,), inset: _insetvalue,
grid(columns:(2fr,)*6,inset: _insetvalue,
The Header
has a fill which interferes with the box border (the left and right vertical lines are thinner around the header).
Is there a way to make the box border be on top of all the children?