Is Typst planning to support PDF/A1-B?

We use typst at my workplace to generate PDF invoices, which are then printed and sent out per mail (like on paper) by a third-party service. That service requires PDF/A-1B, which is something that Typst currently does not support.

However, that third party pointed out that only font embedding issues were critical and other non-spec compliant issues could be ignored.

Running a validation tool, the document violates this part of the spec:
“For all CIDFont subsets referenced within a conforming file, the font descriptor dictionary shall include a CIDSet stream identifying which CIDs are present in the embedded CIDFont file, as described in PDF Reference Table 5.20”

I have two questions:

  • Is Typst planning to support PDF/A1-B?
  • Can the above issue be worked around? / Would this be a desirable addition to Typsts Pdf Writer?
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Hello and welcome @Lukas!
You may look at the whole thread here for history on this question: When will PDF/A export be available? - #19 by quachpas.
The feature request is tracked here: Add PDF/A-1b native export · Issue #5189 · typst/typst · GitHub

You might want to try one of the many pdf conversion tools listed (try for PDF/A-1b compliance. If doing it online is not possible, then try using ghostscript. I think the conversion commands are listed in the previously mentionned thread.

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Since A1-B is a legacy profile based on PDF 1.4, it is not a high priority, but we can imagine adding support for it down the road.

As an addition: If we support PDF/A-1b, we want to do it correctly. The main problem is that A-1b forbids any kind of transparency (including in PNGs and other images). To support the standard, we’d need to either fail on all documents with transparency or support rastering it down to get rid of transparency. Both approaches are hairy, the former because of bad UX, the latter because it is complex.