Paris-Saclay PhD thesis template

Hello everyone :grinning:,

Today, I am sharing with you a template for theses from the University of Paris-Saclay. I used it myself for my recently completed thesis manuscript:

As I don’t know how to create a table dynamically based on the values provided in the “jury” parameter, the table on the cover page with the jury members is not well integrated into the template (#show: template_UPS.with(...)) and needs to be manually modified in impl.typ.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.



Nice work, thanks for sharing.

Here the missing dynamic jury table part :typstguy:.

Code => (
  text(weight: "bold",, member.role,
  member.title + member.affiliation, []
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Great thanks a lot!!!
I added that to the code!
Is there any documentation for this syntax with 2 dots “……”

There is basic documentation hidden here.

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