Preview panel does not contain any pages: how to get them back?

And also, why did it disappear? I must have done something wrong, and would like to avoid this in future.

I assume this is about the web app? if so, could you add the web-app tag?

There is a “View” Menu with Options “Only show editor”/“Only show preview”/“Show both panel”. Is it possible that you accidentally changed that?


(I hid some menu items from the screenshot, don’t let that confuse you)

Yes, it is about the web-app.

I checked out ‘View’ on your recommendation, but "show both panels"is still ticked. So I don’t know what’s wrong.

The preview will also collapse if there isn’t enough horizontal space in your browser tab. Could it be that?

Thanks for your suggestion. I don’t know the answer. I only started using typst yesterday. How do I find out? And how do I uncollapse it? As things are, I can’t really use typst, because I can’t see what my marked -up text is going to do.

If it did collapse due to lack of space, you would need to increase the width of the browser window. But I don’t think that’s it because I just checked and the View menu will switch to “Only show editor” if the there is not enough space.

Another cause could be that you switched to the pop-up preview. Then, you can get the normal preview back by clicking the split view button next to the “Share” button:

There is another possible cause: Maybe no file in your project is selected as the previewed file. In that case, you should select one of the files from the file panel and click its eye button at the right side:

(Note that just reloading the project will also automatically select a main file if a Typst file exists.)

Hi Laurenz

Thanks for taking the time to try to solve my problem. I tried clicking the ‘split screen’ button, but nothing happened, or rather, all that happened was that only the input screen showed.

Perhaps I should have been clearer. My screen shows the raw text file and the preview section, but the preview is just a grey blank.

I don’t think it could be anything to do with the file selected, as I only have one file.


So you’re saying that your paper canvas is missing from the preview?

Try doing a hard reset on browser for the project. Open the project and do Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+R. That will clear any temporary data (cache) from the site. It may not resolve the problem but it’s worth a shot.

Thanks for the suggestion, but that didn’t work either. :cry:

Are you sure that there are no errors in your document? If the project is opened while there is an error, nothing will be shown. You can view all errors in the left side bar by clicking the third button from the top:


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I have renamed the thread to better reflect this. You can change the title or let me know if this does not properly capture the intent of your post.

Thanks! I thought of renaming it myself, but couldn’t figure out how to do it. I’m not very computer-literate, as you may have guessed.

There are quite a few errors. I’ll try to fix them, and get back to you.

Thanks, Laurenz, it worked! I thought I was going mad. And I must say, I’m really impressed with Typst, it’s so easy to learn the mark-up language, and the preview is looking very good!