I’ve just tried to replicate the rosters in《现代汉语词典》(The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary).
It’s used as a test case for a package:
I’ve just tried to replicate the rosters in《现代汉语词典》(The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary).
It’s used as a test case for a package:
Yesterday I didn’t have time. Now I’ll add some (hopefully interesting) details.
Most Chinese names contains three and only three characters. Moreover, all Han characters have the same width. Therefore, A Chinese name list can be easily aligned with a rhythm of three characters. This convention applies to both horizontal and vertical writing modes.
Source of the above image: The Type — 文字 / 设计 / 文化 » 中文排版网格系统的五大迷思.
And yes, there are exceptions.
王 力
. (Here I put a U+3000 CJK Symbols and Punctuation IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE.)I guess this layout is unique? I can’t image how to align names like Nyota Uhura, James Tiberius Kirk, Montgomery Scott, or Beverly Crusher.
Please let me know if I am wrong. It would be fun to compare cross-cultural differences.
In the first page, there is a annotation(主任)after 曹先擢.
In normal cases, Han characters and punctuation are squares with the ratio of 1:1. However, (主任)
is severely shrunk because of the lack of space. This can be achieved in typst by the following steps.
Turn (
and )
from 1:1 squares into 2:1 rectangles by inserting negative horizontal spacings.
show "(": it => h(-0.5em) + it
show ")": it => it + h(-0.5em)
Scale the whole annotation.
box(scale(x: 50%, reflow: true)[(主任)])
reflow: true
is necessary. Otherwise, the next name 晁继周 would think the annotation is still holding 4 em space, and move to the next column.
The box
is also inevitable. scale
creates a block-level container. If we do not wrap it in an inline box
, then we’ll get the following.
Render it in subscript.
Allow the cell of 曹先擢 to overflow into the column gap.
In my package tricorder, (overflow: true)
does the job.
To wrap up:
((overflow: true), [曹先擢#sub(box(scale(x: 50%, reflow: true)[(主任)]))]),
Besides, there is another way to annotate: just write as if it is a part of a long name. In the following image, (女)and (回族) are annotations.
Source of the above image: The newspaper People’s Daily on 2012-11-08.
Note that (
and )
are shrunk into 1:2 rectangles, even though there’s enough space for 1:1 squares.
I didn’t understand the purpose before I replicate it: If I don’t shrink them, the annotation would be placed at the midpoint between two names, leading to ambiguity! For example, 王正伟(回族)王东明 is 王正伟 (回族) + 王东明 or 王正伟 + (回族) 王东明?
Compare 主要修订人员 with 资料人员 in the second page, and you will find there are additional spaces between the characters in 主要修订人员.
The implementation is simple in typst:
let it = "主要修订人员"
let n = it.clusters().len()
// https://typst.app/docs/reference/text/text/#parameters-tracking
set text(tracking: 1em / (n - 1))
The motivation of putting additional spaces is to align 主要修订人员 with 主编 丁声树 and 协助 李 荣.
All Han characters are squares, and there isn’t any space between words. As a result, increasing the tracking is acceptable in this case.
However, it’s unusual for Latin texts.
Anyone who would letterspace lower case would steal sheep.