[RESOLVED] Unable to log in to the forum

I’m unable to log in the forum on other devices right now. When I click “Sign in to the forum”, the following message shows:

No login methods are configured. Administrators can visit /u/admin-login to reconfigure the site.

I tried different browsers and devices and the result is the same.

Maybe the site is updated and misconfigured?

From the Discord:

Plugins (including the authentication plugin) are currently not loaded correctly on the Discourse Forum. Unfortunately, @reknih who knows how things are set up has other important things he needs to take care of right now, so he can probably only take a look at this tomorrow
@laurmaedje, 2024-10-07T14:44:00Z; on Discord

So the issue is known, but may still take at least a few hours to resolve.

Edit: after looking at the other topic here, it may well be that the “mark as solution” button doesn’t appear because of another plugin , we’ll have to wait and see.

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This incident should be over now

The Discourse Solved and OpenID Connect plugins were not loaded after a bad interaction between the Helm chart we used to install Discorse, its plugin system, and the Persistent Volume Claim it provisioned. The problem first occurred when we updated the deployment after a Redis crash. The plugins somehow vanished from the Volume Claim and the chart failed to redownload them. I have now manually fixed this.

If issues persist, please note them below! I am sorry that this took a few days to fix, we were caught up with important customer support tasks!