Suggestion: Remove Courier New and Courier from the CSS font stack

This is the present font setting for monospaced text on this forum:

--d-font-family--monospace: "Cascadia Mono", "Courier New", Courier, monospace;

I don’t have Cascadia Mono, and I have Courier New. My default monospaced font is Noto Sans Mono. In this case, the applied typeface is Courier New, which does not esthetically fit in the surrounding text and looks unlike Cascadia Mono. Also, as far as I know, people dislike Courier New more than they like it.

I suggest to use this font setting for monospaced text:

--d-font-family--monospace: "Cascadia Mono", monospace;

This way, in my case without Cascadia Mono, it would use my preferred typeface Noto Sans Mono, which fits in the surrounding text much more than Courier New. This could be any typeface for different users, but, even if it didn’t fit in the text, it would be alright because it is preferred.

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Fixed it for you! :wrench::wrench: