I’m having trouble trying to change metropolis theme colors in touying. I could set :
- the background color through neutral-lightest
- the title slide text color through neutral-darker
- the progress bar color through primary and primary-lightest, etc.
However, nothing seems to correspond to the color of the title in section slides. Where is this color defined ? I didn’t find any clear reference explaining which color variable defines which element color.
#import "@preview/touying:0.5.3": *
#import themes.metropolis: *
#show: metropolis-theme.with(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
// config-common(handout: true),
title: [Kéfir et Kombucha],
subtitle: [Deux écosystèmes microbiens de boissons fermentées],
author: [Myxonautes],
date: datetime.today(),
// institution: [Institution],
logo: image("images/logo_myxonautes_noir.png"),
primary: rgb(129, 249, 14),
primary-light: rgb(199, 249, 150),
secondary: rgb(230, 255, 230),
neutral-lightest: rgb(8, 10, 8),
neutral-dark: rgb(230, 255, 230),
neutral-darkest: rgb(230, 255, 230),
= Kéfir et kombucha
Deux écosystèmes microbiens de boissons fermentées
= Microorganismes
== test
Du contenu
Everything is fine except the title colors in section slides in this example.
Thanks for your help.