Using Typst for event badges

Ever since I read about Typst’s ability to load data from CSV files, I’ve been looking for an excuse to use it. A few months ago, I was organizing a computer science-related event in my country, and we wanted to make badges for the participants, and I thought that this was the perfect opportunity I’d been waiting for.

I had a CSV file with the names of all the attendees and their roles in the event (participant or organizer). I just needed to write a function that takes a name and role, and returns a badge.

Typst turned out to be great for this use case. Though I’m not a designer, I was really happy with the result:

#badge("Example name", "Participant")

Example badge

Finally, I loaded the CSV file, looped over the rows and generated all the badges. I know this is not a very complex project code-wise, but I think this shows that Typst can be used for so much more than writing. I think it’s really cool that I could do everything I needed using Typst: from designing the badges, generating them for all the event attendees, to finally arranging them in a neat, printable document.

You can take a look a the final project here! It’s an anonymized version with random names.


Very Interesting!!! Great Idea!!! :smile:

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