V 0.12 breaks show par: set block(below: 2.5em) -- how to fix?

Before 0.12 I used the follow in a #let project() block
show par: set block(below: 2.5em)

I have headings and paragraphs. To get my paragraph spacing right - I need spacing between paragraphs, and after paragraphs that come before headings, but not after headings. This worked great.

Now 0.12 says to replace the show with
set par(spacing: 2.5em)

Now I get no spacing between a paragraph and the subsequent heading, and yes spacing between a heading the subsequent paragraph.

How to fix?

I think the clue is here (Paragraph Function – Typst Documentation):

When a paragraph is adjacent to a block that is not a paragraph, that block’s above or below property takes precedence over the paragraph spacing. Headings, for instance, reduce the spacing below them by default for a better look.

Which means that to get the old behavior, you have to enable/increase above spacing on headings as well. Someone may correct me if there is an easier way to replicate the old way.

Thanks for this! I’ll get to work on that.