Oh I never knew that. What are the many different versions that it shows? Just examples?
On the image you can only see two, but there are around 9 available with scrolling.
Oh I never knew that. What are the many different versions that it shows? Just examples?
On the image you can only see two, but there are around 9 available with scrolling.
What are the many different versions that it shows?
It’s all the instances of it
that end up where your cursor is. So if you had two non-block equations then there would be two items in this list. If you had 10 there would be 10 of them.
Oh wow. Why would it do that?
(I split this discussion off so that it’s easier to find on its own)
Why wouldn’t it? :P Typst has no way of knowing which execution of the show rule you’re currently interested in, so it shows all.
If I’m interested in something specific, I often create an extra variable for that:
if it.supplement == "Fancy Equation" {
// hovering over this will only show `it` from certain executions
let dbg = it
I can only speculate about why. So here I go speculating:
Typst relies heavily on memoizing to speed up document compilation. As I understand it this works by saving the output of a function for the given inputs. Then if the function is called again with those same inputs, it can simply return the already-calculated output.
Getting back to the question: there already exists a record of every version of a given variable for the whole document. I assume this makes it pretty trivial to display it like you see when you hover over a variable.
It could also be a way to offer a debugging tool without going through the effort of a full-blown debugging environment.
From a user perspective I’ve found it helpful to see all these while working on a function. When I can’t keep all the variables and scopes in my head this can help get me back on track.
Ah I see, seems reasonable. Thanks for your take