I’m trying to create a grid where i want to use rows:(auto,auto,1fr), to determine the height of the top 2 rows.
More specificly i want the left column to determine the height.
In the right column i want an image to cover the entire rowspanned cells, similar to the fit parameter on image..
At the moment you can still see the background of the topright cell, and i want the image to cover the entire cell, so that you no longer see the aqua-blue in the example.
Setting a height on the image of 100% or 1fr, results in the image determining the height of the 2 top rows. I want the left cells to determine the height of the top rows and the right to just adjust to the height of the left cells.
(How) can i do this in typst?
PS. Im looking for a solution in Typst not SVG because i want to use bitmap images. The svg is just an example.
I managed to find a solution by measuring/calculating the height of the left column and then setting the height of the image in the right column explicitly.
The code containing the solution:
#let imagecontents = "<svg class=\"svg-icon\" style=\"width: 1.01171875em; height: 1em;vertical-align: middle;fill: currentColor;overflow: hidden;\" viewBox=\"0 0 1036 1024\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\">
<rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"gray\" />
<path d=\"M231.633593 295.165243c0-153.595317 124.940454-278.535771 278.537807-278.535771 153.595317 0 278.535771 124.940454 278.535771 278.535771 0 153.60448-124.940454 278.53068-278.535771 278.53068C356.574047 573.695923 231.633593 448.769723 231.633593 295.165243L231.633593 295.165243zM0 1014.090329c5.996914-67.351756 38.330358-306.001432 286.846943-433.813074 61.63687 48.382571 139.069346 77.514946 223.325474 77.514946 84.715315 0 162.56727-29.428658 224.36908-78.30605 249.591753 127.274058 279.721917 364.250911 285.801301 434.597051C1018.86037 1015.51676 1.473266 1014.201308 0 1014.090329L0 1014.090329zM0 1014.090329\" /></svg>"
// define the content here so it's easy to measure later on
#let title = [
#set text(size:3em)
#box()[= big title]]
#let subblock = [
#box(inset:(top:2em),[= subtitle
columns:( 3fr, 1.5fr),
title ,
align: center+horizon,
layout(size => {
// we know the left column is twice as big as the right column
let curwidth-leftcolumn = size.width*2
// we know the content of the left column, so we can measure it's height
let title-height = measure(width:curwidth-leftcolumn,title).height
let subblock-height = measure(width:curwidth-leftcolumn,subblock).height
let heightofleft = title-height+subblock-height
// knowing the height we can create an image of the specific height and 100% width with the default fit of cover
[more content here],
[sidebar that should be aligned with the image]
For the moment, this is only present in tablex package (which inspired Typst 0.11’s new table API) through the fit-spans: (y: true) setting. It is, however, generally discouraged to use tablex as most of its features have been ported to built-in tables and grids (but specifically not this feature at the moment), and tablex compiles much slower than those. Still, here’s how it would look like: