Which scientific journals are accepting Typst files as article submission at current date?

I am planning to write a book about computational chemistry typesetting in typst. I would like to have the information in terms of a list which journals are accepting typst files as submission for the article or review or conference proceedings for now. And also what is the general way of convincing the publishers to accept it.

I don’t think there are journals that accept Typst (as in a .typ file), at least I haven’t seen any mentions on Typst Discord or here.

There was some discussion at PCI/PCJ when someone submitted using a quarto template

I don’t know what came out of it, but the template is not in the submission guidelines, probably due to lack of maintenance or interest

I did publish an article written with Typst at QRS 2022 and my takeway is that for now it just end up adding a lot of work for someone along the way.
The conference recomended LaTeX or Word as must CS conferences do but never required any of the two. In a brilliantly short-sighted move I took it literally and submitted a Typst PDF that got accepted. Some time later they asked for the source and I had to explain that I had no LaTeX source. I made all sources available to them and they did not ask more questions.
The article is now fully available on IEEEexplore and looks identical to any other LaTeX article, both in the web and PDF version. I suppose someone had to spend some time insulting me and converting my PDF to something their system can work with. Given that Typst doe not export to HTML (especially no at the time), I have no idea how they did that but they managed.
Bottom line, I will stick with LaTeX for official work until I know they are accepting Typst and I know I am not making someone miserable. I am just starting my academic career so hopefully before I retire they’ll support it!

PS: It speaks for the quality of the Typst IEEE template because the paper did not get desk-reject based on the formatting.