Why are some fields missing in bibliography when using a BibLaTeX file?

Hi all,

I am facing a problem when importing my bibliography, since some fields are not displayed when it is in *bib format, while they are displayed when it is in the *yml format.

To illustrate the problem I am facing, let’s take the following *bib and *yml files

% biblio.bib
  author  = {M. Aucejo},
  title   = {Vibro-acoustique des structures immergées sous écoulement turbulent},
  type = {Thèse de doctorat},
  school  = {Insa de Lyon},
  year    = {2007}

// biblio.yml
  type: thesis
  title: Vibro-acoustique des structures immergées sous écoulement turbulent
  author: M. Aucejo
  genre: Thèse de doctorat
  publisher: Insa de Lyon
  date: 2007

// Note that I have to put the school name in the publisher field, since the field organization doesn't display

Here are the results. For the *bib file



For the *.yml file

As you can see, when using the *bib file some information is missing and I don’t figure out why.

Do you have any explanation ?

Thank you !

Hello @Mathieu_Aucejo,

I can reproduce your issue. I think it’s best if you open an issue at GitHub - typst/biblatex: A Rust crate for parsing and writing BibTeX and BibLaTeX files..

@quachpas Thank you for your answer. I will open an issue.