Why is my theorem title being doubled in touying?

I’m trying to use Touying to put together some slides. For some reason my theorem attributions are being double rendered. How do I stop this?

For instance, the code below produces the following.

But I want my code only to produce what’s in the green box, not the “Theorem 1: Euclid” beneath it. How can I remove that “Theorem 1: Euclid” below the box?

#import "@preview/touying:0.5.5": *
#import themes.university: *

#import "@preview/numbly:0.1.0": numbly
#import "@preview/ctheorems:1.1.3": *
#show: university-theme.with(
  aspect-ratio: "4-3",
  // align: horizon,
  // config-common(handout: true),
    title: [Presentation title],
    subtitle: [/*Subtitle*/],
    author: [Author],
    date: datetime.today().display("[month repr:long], [year]"),
    institution: [School Name],
    // logo: emoji.school,

#set heading(numbering: numbly("{1}.", default: "1.1"))

// #title-slide()

#let theorem = thmbox("theorem", "Theorem", fill: rgb("#eeffee"))
  There are infinitely many primes.

Hi @Monkey, it’s not Touying causing the problem, but ctheorems needs #show: thmrules to work correctly. You can insert that command right after your imports.

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Amazing!! Thank you!!