How to add image on the margin to the left of a level 1 heading?


I’m quite new to typst and have tried to solve the question with searching her but haven’t found the right answer.

My question:
I need to create a heading 1 with a Image which should be placed from the page border to the heading text start.

I was able to set the font and the size via this show command, thanks to the answers in this forum, but the missing part is the Image.

#show heading.where(level: 1) : set text(
  font: "Liberation Serif",
  size: 25pt,
  lang: "de",
  region: "at",

Thank you for any hint.

Hi and welcome to the forum!

You can use the place function to place an image on the margin, like so:

/// Reference:
#let calc-margin(margin, shape) = if margin == auto {
  2.5 / 21 * calc.min(..shape)
} else {

#show heading.where(level: 1): it => [
  #let dx = calc-margin(page.margin, (page.width, page.height))
      width: 1cm // Change as you wish
    dx: - dx

With the margin calculation taken from here


Thank you soooo much @aarnent, this solved my issue.

For the archive I have also added the font definition and upper call to the solution.

#show heading.where(level: 1): it => [
  #let dx = calc-margin(page.margin, (page.width, page.height))
      width: 1.5cm // Change as you wish
    dx: - dx
  #text(font: "Liberation Serif",
  size: 23pt,
  lang: "de",
  region: "at",
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Hey @alex01, welcome to the forum! I’ve moved your post to Questions since you were asking for help, and also marked @aarnent’s response as a solution. Please let us know if that wasn’t your intention.

In addition, I’ve changed your question post’s title to better fit our guidelines: How to post in the Questions category

For future posts, make sure your title is a question you’d ask to a friend about Typst. :wink:

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Thank you @PgBiel for the cleanup and sorry for mistake

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