Your questions about using Typst and the web app go in this category.
This category should be a useful resource for both those who post questions and those who later search it for answers. To get there, we ask you to keep in mind the following if you ask a question:
The Basics
Each post should contain one distinct question on Typst. If you have multiple questions, do not hesitate to create multiple posts! Posts that are discussions or otherwise not questions looking for help should go into the General category. Don’t worry if your question seems basic, we are here to help!
The title of your question should make clear what your post is about. Good titles are questions you would ask your friend about Typst.
Here are some examples for good titles:
How do I add a table footer that repeats on every page?
How to create a list of CeTZ illustrations?
What order are show rules applied in?
Here are a few examples for titles you should avoid:
Need help fixing broken table
This title does not make clear what is broken about your table. Make the kind of problem you are having clear, so the question attracts the right people.
Additionally, this title makes it harder for other people who have the same question to find your post in search engines. -
Page state query
This post title is difficult to understand. What do you want to do with the page? What kind of state or query are you referring to? People are more compelled to click on posts they understand the subject of. -
hi peple, I want to write my resumme in typst
This post title shows what the post author is looking for. However, it does not contain a concrete question on what they need help with. It also contains multiple spelling mistakes. Put effort in your posts, so community members will be more compelled to put effort in helping you.
When you have picked a question, you should use the post body to share more about your problem. Give a brief description, describe what you have tried and where you got stuck.
If your question pertains to a bit of Typst markup you have problems with, put it in the question body! You can syntax-highlight Typst code by wrapping it in ```typ ... ```
. It will then look like this:
#set font(size: 12pt)
Hello from *Typst* at $ pi.var + 1 $ o'clock!
If you need to highlight a code or math mode snippet instead, the language tags typc
and typm
do that, respectively.
It would be great if you could post the smallest possible code samples that allow people to see what your problem is.
Thank you for answering questions on this Forum! Your answers should try to solve the problem at hand. Great answers often include a short markup sample or links. Keep in mind that the original poster (OP) may not yet have the depth of understanding of Typst that you have, so be sure to meet them where they are. If their question is not completely clear from the original post, please ask clarifying questions before answering.
You can find unanswered questions by opening the Questions category and selecting “Unsolved” in the third dropdown.
If you see that there is a question that many people have, e.g. on Discord or StackOverflow, but is missing an answer here, you can post a new thread with the question as if you had it and a reply with the answer.
Receiving an answer
If you have received an answer you were happy with, great! The best way to show your appreciation and help other users who will discover your question is to mark the post containing the answer as a solution using the button in its footer. This will notify the person who helped you and highlight the answer.
If the answer did not quite solve your problem, you should reply and say what did not work about it.
Other ways to get answers
- If you have a short question and would prefer to chat, go to our Discord server and use its
channel. - If you are using Typst in your organization and need a reliable partner, we offer support contracts with guaranteed response times.
- If you have had a bad experience with the community, contact us directly.