I am sure there is something in the manual for this, but for the life of me, I cannot dissect it. For the ctheorems package, I am trying to change the behavior of the proof environment since I do not like the defaults, mainly because it doesn’t match the default behavior of the theorem environment in LaTeX.
As an example, if one compiles:
#set document(
date: auto,
#set page(
paper: "us-letter",
top: 2cm,
bottom: 2cm,
left: 1.5cm,
right: 1.5cm
numbering: "1",
number-align: center + bottom
#set text(
font: "New Computer Modern",
size: 10pt
#set par(
justify: true,
leading: 0.55em,
spacing: 0.55em,
first-line-indent: 1.8em
#show heading: set block(
above: 1.4em,
below: 1em
#set math.equation(numbering: "(1)", supplement: [Eq.])
#set cite(style: "alphanumeric")
#import "@preview/ctheorems:1.1.3": *
#show: thmrules.with(qed-symbol: $square$)
#let theorem = thmbox("theorem", "Theorem")
#let corollary = thmplain(
base: "theorem",
titlefmt: strong
#let definition = thmbox("definition", "Definition", inset: (x: 1.2em, top: 1em))
#let example = thmplain("example", "Example").with(numbering: none)
#let proof = thmproof("proof", "Proof")
#let dd = math.upright("d")
We wish to prove Euler's Gamma function is a generalization of the factorial function.
We first recall the definition of Euler's $Gamma$-function:
#math.equation(block: true, numbering: none, $ Gamma(z) = integral_(0)^(infinity) s^(z - 1) e^(-t) dd t $)
With this integral, we can ...
From this point, ...
one sees that the proof doesn’t get vertically spaced and the margins of the proof don’t match the external margins.
I won’t ask about the logic of the ctheorems defaults, but I want to ask, what settings do I need to change to get the proof margins to match the document margins, and to get vertical padding around the proof?