How to change spacing between entries within bibliography?

Hey there,

i am having a hard time getting some space between my sources. My code looks like this:

  style: "harvard-cite-them-right",

Sadly, the result looks like this:

Does anyone know, how I can configure the spacing between the sources?

Kind regards,

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The bibliography uses the normal paragraph spacing value, which you can set for the whole document via

#set par(spacing: ...) // Default: 1.2em

Usually, the default value looks fine, but your increased line spacing makes it look disproportionate. If you want different spacing just for the bibliography, you can limit the above set rule or decrease the line spacing with a show-set rule

#show bibliography: set par(spacing: ..., leading: ...)

The default leading value (used for line spacing) is 0.65em.

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Hey @Silas, welcome to the forum! I’ve changed your post’s title in accordance with our question post guidelines: How to post in the Questions category

Make sure your post’s title is a question you’d ask to a friend about Typst. :wink:

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Hey Eric,

thanks for your answer!
Even though the actual documentation of Typst Paragraphs contains the variable spacing, somehow I always get the error unknown variable: spacing. If you are familiar with this issue, please reach out to me.

Kind regards

It appears you are using an outdated Typst version; you’ll need to use Typst 0.12.0 for #set par(spacing: ...) to work. (It used to be set block(spacing: ...) in previous versions, which still works but is no longer useful for paragraphs themselves.)

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Thank you for your support, that fixed it <3

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